Families with secondary school children & teenagers (11-19 years)
Being a teenager is exciting but it can also be tough.
Being the parent of a teen can be hard work and tough too!
Here we’ve got lots of tips and advice to help you deal with the ups and downs of parenting teenagers and to help you understand your teen a little better so you can have the best possible relationship with them.
Sandwell has lots to offer for teenagers.
Click here to find out more about the sessions and activities available for your teenager.
Preparing your child for secondary school
Starting secondary school is a major moment in any child’s life. It’s a time filled with mixed emotions, excitement and anxiety. The structure of their days will be different, so it’s okay that they’ll be a bit nervous. You’ll probably be nervous too! But there are things you can do to help make the move easier for them.
Find out more about Preparing your child for secondary school
Understanding your teens behaviour
"I hate you!" - stroppiness, grumpiness, becoming withdrawn, being argumentative, and breaking rules are all the signs that your child has turned into a teenager. Although you may find their behaviour upsetting or stressful, there’s nothing to worry about, it’s all part of growing up.
Building a good relationship with your teenager
Being there for your teen and letting them know they can talk to you is one of the best ways you can support them. Make sure you have some time together when you can give them your full attention. It could be in the evening after any younger kids have gone to bed. It could be when you’re doing something else together, such as walking, cooking or driving somewhere.
Find out more about Building a good relationship with your teenager
Supporting your teens mental heath
Being there for your child is the most important thing you can do to help protect their mental health. Pay attention to changes in your teen's behaviour. This could be a sign that they are struggling with their mental health. The teenage years are a difficult time for everyone, but there are things you can do to help them have more ups than downs.
Sex and relationships
Being open and honest about sex is an important way of helping your teen have safe and happy sexual relationships when they're ready. Try to stress that sexuality is a healthy part of who we are.
Groups and activities available for your teenager
Are you looking for fun and exciting activities for your teenager? Look no further! Sandwell have a wide variety of activities to keep your teen entertained and engaged, all located in the local area.
Find out more about Groups and activities available for your teenager