Families with young children (2-5years)
Nurturing Little Minds: Preparing Your Child for School
Is your child ready for school?
School readiness isn't just about knowing your ABCs and 123s. It's about fostering a love of learning, building social skills, and developing a sense of independence.
Here's how we can help...
Your Child's Development
Your child's development checks are essential tools for ensuring your child's growth and well-being. Take a look at the development checks, services and free activities that support your little ones development
Apply for your child's Nursery place
All you need to know on applying for your little one's Nursery place
How to support your child's development at home
Tips for parents and carers on how you can support your little one's development at home
Find out more about How to support your child's development at home
Free and Fun Activities
Take a look at free activities available across Sandwell that are fun and support your child's development.
Apply for your child's school place
Is your child due to start in Reception or transfer from an Infant School to a Junior School? Find out how and when to apply, and other information regarding the process.
School Readiness
School readiness means that your child has a range of knowledge and skills that will enable them to make progress through school and life. Your child being school ready is very important.
Keeping your toddler safe
Despite your best efforts, childhood accidents can sometimes happen. Here are some tips to avoid them and help keep your little one as safe as possible
Early Years Programme for Parents
Let’s face it bringing up children is one of the hardest jobs out there! Children don't come with an instructional manual and we all need a bit of help and guidance from time to time.
Join the library
Did you know that library membership is free to any Sandwell resident of any age?
Looking After Your Child's Oral Health
Tips to help your child with brushing their teeth and how you can look after their oral health