Preparing your child for secondary school
Starting secondary school is a major moment in any child’s life
The move from primary school to secondary school can feel both exciting and overwhelming for your child. It can also be a anxious time for you as a parent or carer as your child takes the next step in their education.
The structure of their days will be different, so it’s okay that they’ll be a bit nervous. You’ll probably be nervous too! But there are things you can do to help make the move easier for them.
Secondary School Open Day's and Evening's
One of the first things you can do to support your child is attend their chosen School's open days or evenings to get a feel for the School and take a look around. You can download Sandwell Schools open day and evening timetable here.
Don't forget you have until 31st October to apply for your child's Secondary School place
Click the link here to start your application process
Tips for starting secondary school
Talk to them
Ask them how they feel about starting school. Let them know that you’re there to speak to them about anything that might be worrying them. Concerns about making new friends and bullying are all normal, and it’s important they know you’re there to chat anytime they want to.
Go through the first day
Talk to them about what their first day will be like. Even being clear on what they’re going to wear and what route they’ll take in the morning will help settle their nerves a little, you could even do a practice run. Your chosen school will also arrange a transition day.
Be positive
You may have your own worries about them starting secondary school. But it’s important that you try to stay positive. Ask them what they’re looking forward to, the subjects they think they’ll like, for example.
Secondary school has a lot of new opportunities that their primary school wouldn't have, which can be really exciting for them to look forward to. For example, they have lots of extra-curricular activities, before and after school and at lunch time. Encourage your child to get involved to help them make the most of their time to build skills and meet new people.
Stick to your routine
Over the summer holidays it’s easy to slip into the habit of late nights and later starts in the morning! Getting into a good morning routine in the week leading up to starting school will help make the first few days easier.
Be prepared
Help your child get everything they need to start. Their school will let you know what equipment is needed, like pens or calculators. Let them pick any new stationery or a new rucksack. This will help them feel a bit more confident on their first day.
Be involved
Be interested in their new timetable, who they already know at school, or their teachers' names. This is a new change for both of you, and the more engaged you are the more supported they’ll feel. For the first couple of weeks (or longer), ask your child the night before about the timetable for the following day, ask what subjects they have and what they will need for the day.
Supporting your child
There is a lot for teenagers and young people to deal with when starting Secondary School. If you’re worried about how your child is coping, or you’re worried they’ve become a bit withdrawn, we have some advice and tips in the section of website to help.