Services, Courses & Sessions
Term-time Wellbeing Playtime (0-24mths)
Connect with other parents and bring your little one for nursery rhymes, sensory play, books and more. No need to book. For more information, contact Michelle Hellend, 0121 557 1034 x.2
Available at: Harvills Hawthorn Primary School, Wolseley Rd, West Bromwich , B70 0NG
New parents Families with toddlers Families with children with SEND
Messy Play
These sessions are suitable for children from birth up to the age of 5 years. Come and join us for a gloriously messy play session!
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New parents Families with toddlers
Twisting Tots - Babies
These sessions are suitable for children aged 6 months to sitting, if you child is walking please book them on the later session Twisting tots is a music and sensory class suitable from around 6 months, our sessions will feature well known songs your children will know and love. These sessions encourage development in your child's coordination, speech and movement.
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New parents
Little Chefz
Little Chefz is our cooking and lunch club where we will learn all about food. We will decide which food is good and bad for us, explore kitchen safety and cleanliness, experiment with simple recipes and learn some basic skills. It's all about playing, making and creating, and we get to eat it after!
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Families with toddlers
Walking group with Peer Supporters from the Breastfeeding Network
The Breastfeeding Network offers a free walking group for families with a flat route suitable for strollers. Meet other families and chat with a breastfeeding peer supporter.
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New parents Parent support
Mini Music Makers - Sitting to Walking
These sessions are suitable for children who are sitting to walking. Come and join us for this FREE music making session. Mini Music Makers is a fun session for you and your children to explore music making as well as to develop their coordination.
Available online
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New parents
Ready, Steady, WEAN
This session is aimed at parents/carers looking to introduce first solids to their baby, booking is recommended for those with children 0-12 months. Come and join our friendly and knowledgeable nutritionist to find out more about weaning your baby. NHS advice is that babies are introduced to solid food from six months' old; come to this two-hour session to find out all the most up-to-date guidance on how to wean your baby safely.
Available online
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Parent support
First Words Together
This is a great introduction to reading and talking with your child. Each sessions involves activities surrounding a key book which you can then take home and keep. These sessions are funding by the National Literacy Trust. These sessions are bookable by contacting the venue directly.
Available at: Great Bridge Library, DY4 7JF
and 4 more locations
Families with toddlers
Tumble & Talk - For Children 2 years old to preschool
These sessions are suitable for children 2 years old to preschool. Please note due to the type of activity one adult can bring one child Tumble & Talk is based at Earls Gym in Oldbury and is a fun session for you and your children to explore movement as well as develop their balancing skills and improve their coordination. There will be a trained member of staff overseeing the session but you are responsible for your own child/children while taking part in this activity and they must be supervised at all times.
Available online
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Families with toddlers
Pre & Postnatal Yoga
This session is suitable for babies 6 weeks to 1 year old. Join us for a simple and slow-paced yoga class to help new mums to improve their core strength, balance and flexibility after birth. Suitable for new mums up until baby is one year old. Mums joining us after birth will need to wait for 6 weeks (normal birth) or 12 weeks (Caesarean section) and have received confirmation from a doctor or midwife that it is safe to begin or resume an exercise program. Babies up to 12 months can attend with their grown-up. Please wear comfortable clothing that’s easy to move in, and you may like to bring a bottle of water. This session will be held in the studio room.
Available online
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Expectant parents New parents